Posted by: pinkturtle2 | Oktober 10, 2008

Letupan di Pakistan, 10 maut

Security officials collect evidence at the site of a bomb blast at police headquarters in Islamabad October 9, 2008. A suicide bomber attacked police headquarters in Islamabad and warplanes bombed Islamist fighters, killing at least 20, in a northwest valley on Thursday as Pakistans war with militants intensified.

Security officials collect evidence at the site of a bomb blast at police headquarters in Islamabad October 9, 2008. A suicide bomber attacked police headquarters in Islamabad and warplanes bombed Islamist fighters, killing at least 20, in a northwest valley on Thursday as Pakistan's war with militants intensified.Reuters Pictures

An anti-terrorist squad member guards the site of a suspected suicide bombing at the citys police headquarters on October 9, 2008, Islamabad, Pakistan. At least eight people were reported injured in the blast after the attacker reportedly detonated inside a building of the anti-terrorist squad at the capitols main headquarters.

ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN - OCTOBER 09: An anti-terrorist squad member guards the site of a suspected suicide bombing at the city's police headquarters on October 9, 2008, Islamabad, Pakistan. At least eight people were reported injured in the blast after the attacker reportedly detonated inside a building of the anti-terrorist squad at the capitol's main headquarters.Getty Images

Police officers walk past a motorcycle destroyed by a suspected suicide bomber at the citys police headquarters on October 9, 2008, Islamabad, Pakistan. At least eight people were reported injured in the blast after the attacker reportedly detonated inside a building of the anti-terrorist squad at the capitols main headquarters.

SLAMABAD, PAKISTAN - OCTOBER 09: Police officers walk past a motorcycle destroyed by a suspected suicide bomber at the city's police headquarters on October 9, 2008, Islamabad, Pakistan. At least eight people were reported injured in the blast after the attacker reportedly detonated inside a building of the anti-terrorist squad at the capitol's main headquarters.Getty Images

Police and emergency services scour the grounds of the city's police headquarters for evidence after a suspected suicide bombing on October 9, 2008, in Islamabad, Pakistan. At least eight people were reported injured in the blast after the attacker reportedly detonated inside a building of the anti-terrorist squad at the capitol's main headquarters.
ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN – OCTOBER 09: Police and emergency services scour the grounds of the city’s police headquarters for evidence after a suspected suicide bombing on October 9, 2008, in Islamabad, Pakistan. At least eight people were reported injured in the blast after the attacker reportedly detonated inside a building of the anti-terrorist squad at the capitol’s main headquarters.Getty Images

Letupan di Pakistan, 10 maut

ISLAMABAD 9 Okt. – Sebanyak 10 orang terbunuh dalam satu letupan bom tepi jalan di barat daya Pakistan hari ini, manakala tujuh orang cedera apabila seorang pengebom berani mati menyerang sebuah kompleks pejabat polis, di sini.

Letupan-letupan itu berlaku sewaktu ketua-ketua agensi perisikan mengadakan taklimat khas untuk ahli Parlimen di sini mengenai kempen memerangi gerila Al-Qaeda dan Taliban.

Di ibu negara, pengebom meletupkan bom di dalam kereta yang dipandunya di luar sebuah bangunan pejabat pasukan antikeganasan.

Letupan menyebabkan bahagian depan bangunan bata merah itu musnah.

“Sepasukan komando polis meninggalkan bangunan itu beberapa minit sebelum letupan dan kami mengesahkan tujuh cedera,” kata inspektor polis, Ehsan Khan.

Sejurus selepas letupan di Islamabad itu, sebutir bom tepi jalan diletupkan dengan alat kawalan jauh dan mengenai sebuah van penjara polis dan sebuah bas sekolah di kawasan Hulu Dir, barat daya negara ini.

Tiga kanak-kanak sekolah, empat anggota polis dan tiga tahanan maut dalam serangan itu, kata polis dan pegawai kerajaan.

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